all postcodes in PE11 / SPALDING

find any address or company within the PE11 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE11 2LN 0 52.791501 -0.136659
PE11 2LP 0 52.791814 -0.137525
PE11 2LQ 1 52.791573 -0.141239
PE11 2LR 1 52.793392 -0.137987
PE11 2LS 0 52.793101 -0.13668
PE11 2LT 0 52.793455 -0.136279
PE11 2LU 0 52.793976 -0.136286
PE11 2LW 0 52.792257 -0.138436
PE11 2LX 0 52.795238 -0.136485
PE11 2LY 0 52.794342 -0.137828
PE11 2LZ 0 52.794288 -0.138943
PE11 2NA 0 52.793554 -0.139137
PE11 2NB 0 52.794002 -0.137917
PE11 2ND 1 52.792459 -0.141354
PE11 2NE 0 52.791643 -0.142274
PE11 2NF 0 52.791121 -0.133476
PE11 2NG 0 52.791245 -0.132744
PE11 2NH 0 52.795763 -0.131913
PE11 2NJ 0 52.796859 -0.13551
PE11 2NL 0 52.794656 -0.130903