all postcodes in PE12 / SPALDING

find any address or company within the PE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE12 0XN 24 0 52.755062 -0.079784
PE12 0XP 2 0 52.76098 -0.074191
PE12 0XQ 84 3 52.74624 -0.080056
PE12 0XR 14 0 52.767327 -0.070279
PE12 0XT 11 1 52.752358 -0.063161
PE12 0XU 2 1 52.744626 -0.111713
PE12 0XW 6 0 52.758788 -0.087223
PE12 0XX 2 0 52.761673 -0.067031
PE12 0AS 0 52.816041 0.098963
PE12 0BF 1 1 52.814404 0.113174
PE12 0GA 4 3 52.806039 0.107989
PE12 0GB 1 52.702605 -0.045958
PE12 0WF 1 0 52.755539 -0.058839
PE12 0DH 1 0 52.803355 0.07611