all postcodes in PE12 / SPALDING

find any address or company within the PE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE12 7BE 21 1 52.802692 0.033207
PE12 7BG 15 0 52.800753 0.034096
PE12 7BH 12 0 52.802502 0.024386
PE12 7BJ 29 0 52.802292 0.028233
PE12 7BL 9 0 52.803649 0.00463
PE12 7BN 14 0 52.804358 0.022214
PE12 7BQ 37 1 52.802239 0.022935
PE12 7BT 21 0 52.804655 0.031664
PE12 7BU 4 0 52.80099 0.019687
PE12 7BY 9 0 52.802614 0.018843
PE12 7DA 29 3 52.802741 0.017202
PE12 7DB 7 0 52.80086 0.019085
PE12 7DD 3 0 52.803325 0.017185
PE12 7DE 33 1 52.801863 0.01909
PE12 7DF 20 0 52.800228 0.02118
PE12 7DG 91 0 52.799938 0.019683
PE12 7DJ 17 1 52.803149 0.016464
PE12 7DN 32 1 52.803071 0.015778
PE12 7DP 9 0 52.802599 0.015504
PE12 7DQ 26 1 52.801365 0.021615