all postcodes in PE12 / SPALDING

find any address or company within the PE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE12 8BH 30 0 52.84448 0.004272
PE12 8BL 40 0 52.827916 0.000403
PE12 8BP 20 0 52.822165 0.005813
PE12 8BQ 11 0 52.825196 0.00898
PE12 8BS 2 0 52.820011 0.0085
PE12 8BT 7 1 52.82105 0.011698
PE12 8BU 22 0 52.825708 0.010058
PE12 8BW 23 0 52.824748 0.003241
PE12 8BX 74 1 52.829057 0.016918
PE12 8BY 4 0 52.831791 0.028791
PE12 8BZ 12 0 52.839783 0.021156
PE12 8DG 4 0 52.823419 0.004
PE12 8DH 12 0 52.826232 0.002467
PE12 8DJ 18 0 52.825886 -0.001022
PE12 8DL 1 0 52.828256 0.030122
PE12 8DN 28 1 52.81814 0.018045
PE12 8DP 6 0 52.833022 0.035648
PE12 8DS 21 0 52.82659 0.007352
PE12 8DT 7 0 52.832838 0.026668
PE12 8DU 16 0 52.84589 0.02735