all postcodes in PE12 / SPALDING

find any address or company within the PE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE12 6BL 26 11 52.773958 -0.142286
PE12 6BP 1 0 52.779284 -0.110611
PE12 6BS 17 2 52.782759 -0.110731
PE12 6BW 9 0 52.772175 -0.121344
PE12 6BX 44 2 52.779153 -0.096264
PE12 6DP 24 3 52.783309 -0.098025
PE12 6BZ 16 0 52.777987 -0.080198
PE12 6DA 77 0 52.767672 -0.107467
PE12 6DB 67 1 52.768941 -0.104744
PE12 6DD 29 0 52.762997 -0.113542
PE12 6DE 8 0 52.762181 -0.111399
PE12 6DF 9 0 52.762686 -0.109966
PE12 6DG 28 0 52.761664 -0.110737
PE12 6DH 5 0 52.752179 -0.099888
PE12 6DJ 1 0 52.763033 -0.109005
PE12 6DN 4 0 52.776605 -0.091946
PE12 6DQ 40 1 52.756217 -0.111402
PE12 6DR 2 0 52.763301 -0.090407
PE12 6DW 5 0 52.786795 -0.090996
PE12 6DX 13 0 52.775206 -0.099594