all postcodes in PE12 / SPALDING

find any address or company within the PE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE12 7PQ 38 0 52.808595 0.024521
PE12 7PR 44 0 52.816042 0.019109
PE12 7PS 1 0 52.811128 0.018881
PE12 7PT 5 5 52.809968 0.01694
PE12 7PU 1 1 52.809229 0.01636
PE12 7PW 21 0 52.810175 0.024339
PE12 7PX 4 0 52.811078 0.015971
PE12 7PY 1 0 52.812066 0.004932
PE12 7BF 2 1 52.812806 0.000155
PE12 7PZ 58 0 52.8069 0.006976
PE12 7QD 30 0 52.803353 0.003374
PE12 7QF 17 0 52.807762 0.025372
PE12 7QG 10 0 52.807756 0.024155
PE12 7QH 21 0 52.807629 0.0232
PE12 7QL 6 0 52.805308 0.029561
PE12 7QN 54 0 52.809344 0.023324
PE12 7QP 11 0 52.807314 0.025841
PE12 7QQ 23 0 52.807373 0.0236
PE12 7QR 25 0 52.806307 0.025305
PE12 7QT 11 0 52.807099 0.021777