all postcodes in PE12 / SPALDING

find any address or company within the PE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE12 0QP 1 0 52.665124 0.01457
PE12 0QQ 24 1 52.678986 -0.015044
PE12 0QR 4 0 52.664745 0.014109
PE12 0QS 4 0 52.669426 0.002197
PE12 0QT 30 1 52.664645 -0.002753
PE12 0QW 22 0 52.666062 0.004808
PE12 0QX 9 0 52.662292 -0.012089
PE12 0QY 5 0 52.659431 -0.02217
PE12 0QZ 2 0 52.651516 -0.021417
PE12 0RA 1 0 52.6637 -0.021474
PE12 0RT 14 0 52.729606 -0.061814
PE12 0RU 16 1 52.694357 -0.026704
PE12 0RX 6 0 52.71157 -0.021531
PE12 0RY 4 0 52.727045 -0.011412
PE12 0RZ 6 1 52.707057 -0.035087
PE12 0SA 25 3 52.696708 -0.042685
PE12 0SE 4 1 52.691623 -0.050636
PE12 0SB 2 0 52.691655 -0.045944
PE12 0SD 12 1 52.689977 -0.048312
PE12 0SF 14 0 52.69334 -0.037005