all postcodes in PE13 / WISBECH

find any address or company within the PE13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE13 3LP 0 52.67742 0.160743
PE13 3LQ 0 52.67551 0.159954
PE13 3LR 0 52.676934 0.162258
PE13 3LS 0 52.675017 0.162326
PE13 3LT 0 52.673038 0.162376
PE13 3LW 0 52.676449 0.160251
PE13 3LX 0 52.668923 0.176948
PE13 3NA 0 52.6719 0.167082
PE13 3NB 0 52.673275 0.166159
PE13 3ND 0 52.673731 0.167291
PE13 3NE 0 52.672127 0.164979
PE13 3NF 0 52.671992 0.163552
PE13 3NG 0 52.671794 0.162551
PE13 3NH 0 52.674051 0.163018
PE13 3NJ 0 52.675772 0.162822
PE13 3NL 0 52.677414 0.163051
PE13 3NN 0 52.679597 0.162226
PE13 3NP 1 52.677103 0.165313
PE13 3NQ 0 52.672301 0.162857
PE13 3NR 1 52.67666 0.166401