all postcodes in PE19 / ST. NEOTS

find any address or company within the PE19 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE19 1TU 0 52.231238 -0.251366
PE19 1TW 0 52.234761 -0.247639
PE19 1TX 0 52.231501 -0.251546
PE19 1TY 0 52.230006 -0.252586
PE19 1TZ 0 52.230365 -0.251312
PE19 1UA 0 52.229735 -0.253724
PE19 1UB 0 52.228656 -0.253093
PE19 1UE 0 52.236974 -0.251316
PE19 1UF 0 52.236105 -0.247909
PE19 1UG 0 52.235469 -0.246235
PE19 1UH 0 52.235888 -0.246599
PE19 1UJ 0 52.236824 -0.248466
PE19 1UQ 0 52.236499 -0.246619
PE19 1XB 1 52.229378 -0.268542
PE19 1QL 1 52.223103 -0.253925
PE19 1QE 9 0 52.227964 -0.258611
PE19 1AB 8 0 52.229942 -0.270218
PE19 1AL 7 0 52.229846 -0.269797
PE19 1AN 17 1 52.229718 -0.270256
PE19 1RU 2 52.23609 -0.266063