all postcodes in PE19 / ST. NEOTS

find any address or company within the PE19 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE19 5TF 25 0 52.292453 -0.253326
PE19 5TG 25 0 52.291769 -0.251461
PE19 5TH 20 0 52.29039 -0.250034
PE19 5TJ 67 0 52.289697 -0.248757
PE19 5TL 4 0 52.294063 -0.253966
PE19 5TN 53 0 52.29294 -0.251004
PE19 5TP 26 3 52.294001 -0.249775
PE19 5TQ 28 0 52.290233 -0.250935
PE19 5TR 8 0 52.294277 -0.250233
PE19 5TS 35 2 52.295265 -0.248948
PE19 5TT 23 1 52.295476 -0.2474
PE19 5TU 60 0 52.294581 -0.244018
PE19 5TW 33 0 52.291588 -0.249547
PE19 5TX 10 0 52.295746 -0.243796
PE19 5TY 14 0 52.295648 -0.245648
PE19 5TZ 24 0 52.296741 -0.247232
PE19 5UA 6 0 52.295764 -0.24799
PE19 5UB 23 0 52.296903 -0.250262
PE19 5UD 17 0 52.298607 -0.248757
PE19 5UE 32 0 52.29734 -0.24998