all postcodes in PE1 / PETERBOROUGH

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Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE1 2SP 1 1 52.579905 -0.244061
PE1 2SS 1 1 52.58418 -0.241322
PE1 2SY 3 3 52.574535 -0.243258
PE1 2TA 1 1 52.575018 -0.24374
PE1 2TD 39 23 52.575292 -0.242756
PE1 2TF 1 1 52.575921 -0.242804
PE1 2TG 3 3 52.576093 -0.242221
PE1 2TH 18 6 52.576989 -0.242053
PE1 2TJ 48 5 52.576898 -0.241392
PE1 2TL 19 2 52.577554 -0.242489
PE1 2TN 21 7 52.577782 -0.241476
PE1 2TP 23 5 52.578268 -0.242106
PE1 2TR 55 3 52.578813 -0.24074
PE1 2TT 40 1 52.578457 -0.240385
PE1 2TU 36 1 52.579282 -0.241401
PE1 2TW 1 1 52.583954 -0.241848
PE1 2TX 29 2 52.579586 -0.241934
PE1 2UA 8 0 52.579877 -0.23909
PE1 2UB 7 1 52.58043 -0.23886
PE1 2UD 7 0 52.580547 -0.239431