all postcodes in PE2 / STAMFORD

find any address or company within the PE2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE2 9PP 4 0 52.564369 -0.251971
PE2 9PQ 60 0 52.56395 -0.253418
PE2 9PR 7 0 52.564164 -0.252067
PE2 9PS 66 8 52.566284 -0.253755
PE2 9PT 14 0 52.56568 -0.254294
PE2 9PW 11 2 52.565311 -0.252362
PE2 9QA 51 5 52.563151 -0.256505
PE2 9QD 48 0 52.561913 -0.25676
PE2 9QE 78 0 52.560941 -0.254778
PE2 9QG 26 0 52.562616 -0.255625
PE2 9QP 33 8 52.561868 -0.261025
PE2 9QQ 2 0 52.562464 -0.256282
PE2 9QS 1 1 52.562078 -0.261828
PE2 9QW 43 1 52.560167 -0.257862
PE2 9QY 39 0 52.56358 -0.256369
PE2 9QZ 24 1 52.56462 -0.254366
PE2 9RB 20 0 52.564367 -0.267138
PE2 9RD 31 0 52.564155 -0.26061
PE2 9RE 30 1 52.565674 -0.257584
PE2 9RF 13 0 52.566009 -0.262588