all postcodes in PE20 / BOSTON

find any address or company within the PE20 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE20 2LE 35 0 52.902599 -0.089132
PE20 2LF 3 3 52.890699 -0.083263
PE20 2LG 4 1 52.88846 -0.080449
PE20 2LH 6 1 52.885909 -0.076117
PE20 2LJ 11 0 52.888192 -0.075005
PE20 2LL 1 0 52.892807 -0.072913
PE20 2LQ 6 0 52.886622 -0.076523
PE20 2LR 7 0 52.885852 -0.084295
PE20 2LS 1 0 52.882324 -0.08182
PE20 2LT 8 0 52.875874 -0.088286
PE20 2LU 20 0 52.899234 -0.086217
PE20 2LW 1 0 52.890302 -0.068698
PE20 2LX 8 0 52.881866 -0.087978
PE20 2LY 3 0 52.883315 -0.094795
PE20 2LZ 3 0 52.88015 -0.105121
PE20 2NA 2 0 52.883308 -0.118329
PE20 2NB 3 0 52.883374 -0.116002
PE20 2NE 4 0 52.907096 -0.122527
PE20 2NH 1 0 52.908289 -0.122892
PE20 2NJ 11 3 52.908055 -0.123437