all postcodes in PE22 / BOSTON

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Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE22 0DR 7 0 52.991616 0.076885
PE22 0DS 6 0 52.994167 0.079146
PE22 0DW 3 0 52.987343 0.088413
PE22 0DX 17 0 52.996229 0.07537
PE22 0DZ 68 0 52.998186 0.07606
PE22 0EB 4 0 52.998711 0.074342
PE22 0ED 8 0 52.999628 0.065027
PE22 0EE 12 3 53.00582 0.059382
PE22 0EF 3 0 53.015254 0.057192
PE22 0EH 1 0 53.00582 0.059382
PE22 0EJ 5 1 53.001486 0.067277
PE22 0EL 6 0 53.001287 0.070963
PE22 0ET 24 0 52.984717 0.065269
PE22 0EU 6 0 52.985067 0.066865
PE22 0EX 21 1 52.985857 0.068467
PE22 0EY 15 1 52.983217 0.068155
PE22 0HA 33 0 52.984259 0.068741
PE22 0HB 40 0 52.981082 0.06955
PE22 0HE 4 0 52.980338 0.069946
PE22 0HF 22 0 52.982365 0.063488