all postcodes in PE28 / HUNTINGDON

find any address or company within the PE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE28 2PD 0 52.385933 -0.189302
PE28 2PF 6 52.38423 -0.182739
PE28 2PE 0 52.384648 -0.184177
PE28 2PG 0 52.385311 -0.178615
PE28 2PH 2 52.379498 -0.170201
PE28 2PL 1 52.382944 -0.18318
PE28 2PP 1 52.403255 -0.081919
PE28 2PQ 0 52.384724 -0.178463
PE28 2PR 0 52.38705 -0.194135
PE28 2PT 0 52.384478 -0.190581
PE28 2PW 0 52.386686 -0.19149
PE28 2PX 1 52.403239 -0.081941
PE28 2PZ 0 52.40405 -0.084832
PE28 2QA 1 52.412713 -0.120951
PE28 2QB 0 52.412446 -0.119463
PE28 2QD 0 52.411614 -0.119733
PE28 2QE 0 52.413674 -0.123242
PE28 2QF 0 52.412814 -0.125623
PE28 2QG 0 52.411337 -0.127185
PE28 2QH 0 52.414256 -0.112269