all postcodes in PE28 / HUNTINGDON

find any address or company within the PE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE28 0BD 0 52.310181 -0.311276
PE28 0BE 0 52.310075 -0.3164
PE28 0BG 0 52.308 -0.297345
PE28 0BH 2 52.297662 -0.289153
PE28 0BJ 0 52.288741 -0.316549
PE28 0BL 0 52.28933 -0.315031
PE28 0BN 1 52.281472 -0.295626
PE28 0BP 0 52.287489 -0.309143
PE28 0BQ 0 52.304866 -0.293916
PE28 0BS 0 52.287986 -0.311519
PE28 0BT 0 52.288116 -0.316221
PE28 0BU 1 52.291369 -0.31488
PE28 0BW 1 52.285554 -0.307492
PE28 0BX 3 52.289021 -0.321113
PE28 0BY 0 52.284566 -0.332849
PE28 0BZ 0 52.288438 -0.314889
PE28 0DB 1 52.315652 -0.251219
PE28 0DE 0 52.289992 -0.321091
PE28 0DF 0 52.289477 -0.320289
PE28 0DG 0 52.28987 -0.318823