all postcodes in PE30 / KING'S LYNN

find any address or company within the PE30 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE30 1FB 7 52.758015 0.402931
PE30 1PH 23 52.758007 0.402012
PE30 1PP 3 52.756552 0.403666
PE30 1PQ 1 52.751713 0.393989
PE30 1PS 0 52.75576 0.406408
PE30 1PT 1 52.756254 0.405324
PE30 1PU 1 52.755335 0.406044
PE30 1PW 0 52.757448 0.40364
PE30 1PX 1 52.757433 0.400602
PE30 1PY 0 52.755112 0.404638
PE30 1PZ 0 52.756058 0.404098
PE30 1QA 1 52.75585 0.403716
PE30 1QB 3 52.755009 0.404188
PE30 1QD 3 52.754639 0.402034
PE30 1QH 4 52.756749 0.401942
PE30 1QJ 0 52.757109 0.397071
PE30 1QL 0 52.757558 0.397985
PE30 1QP 1 52.754684 0.39556
PE30 1QQ 0 52.755412 0.402284
PE30 1QS 2 52.758313 0.396218