all postcodes in PE30 / KING'S LYNN

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Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE30 2QG 4 52.755495 0.411254
PE30 2QH 0 52.755139 0.409086
PE30 2QJ 0 52.753873 0.41075
PE30 2QL 1 52.753452 0.411112
PE30 2QN 0 52.753864 0.409638
PE30 2QQ 0 52.75469 0.409506
PE30 2QS 0 52.754064 0.408893
PE30 2QW 1 52.756352 0.410694
PE30 2WE 1 52.757433 0.400602
PE30 2ZE 1 52.757433 0.400602
PE30 2HW 8 7 52.761702 0.399799
PE30 2HF 0 52.759975 0.398059
PE30 2NF 0 52.76654 0.409953
PE30 2JE 3 52.770443 0.414585
PE30 2BF 0 52.758606 0.399273
PE30 2AT 0 52.761823 0.401807
PE30 2AE 0 52.758653 0.398979
PE30 2JN 3 52.771015 0.418072
PE30 2QP 0 52.757782 0.40689
PE30 2QR 0 52.757761 0.407052