all postcodes in PE30 / KING'S LYNN

find any address or company within the PE30 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE30 9UB 1 1 52.756683 0.397196
PE30 9UD 1 1 52.756683 0.397196
PE30 9TY 1 52.756683 0.397196
PE30 9AH 1 52.757433 0.400602
PE30 9UH 1 1 52.756683 0.397196
PE30 9UE 1 1 52.756683 0.397196
PE30 9DS 1 1 52.757433 0.400602
PE30 9DZ 1 1 52.757433 0.400602
PE30 9EE 1 52.757433 0.400602
PE30 9EH 1 1 52.757433 0.400602
PE30 9EN 1 1 52.757433 0.400602
PE30 9EQ 1 1 52.757455 0.400617
PE30 9ET 1 1 52.757433 0.400602
PE30 9EW 1 1 52.757433 0.400602
PE30 9ZZ 1 52.75652 0.396846
PE30 9FE 1 0 52.757455 0.400617
PE30 9PF 1 1 52.757455 0.400617
PE30 9FF 0 52.757455 0.400617
PE30 9FH 1 52.757455 0.400617