all postcodes in PE30 / KING'S LYNN

find any address or company within the PE30 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE30 1BL 10 52.75435 0.395201
PE30 1BP 6 52.753233 0.395732
PE30 1BS 1 52.753008 0.395764
PE30 1BT 2 52.752993 0.399142
PE30 1BW 8 52.753477 0.395479
PE30 1BX 6 52.752172 0.395526
PE30 1BZ 1 52.752658 0.395715
PE30 1DA 6 52.752927 0.395508
PE30 1DB 0 52.755143 0.392888
PE30 1DD 8 52.752489 0.39541
PE30 1DE 9 52.753773 0.396592
PE30 1DG 1 52.753875 0.396241
PE30 1DL 12 52.753651 0.396644
PE30 1DP 33 52.754412 0.397472
PE30 1DS 2 52.754221 0.398676
PE30 1DT 8 52.754047 0.398415
PE30 1DU 1 52.755201 0.393573
PE30 1DZ 1 52.756993 0.397465
PE30 1ED 0 52.756083 0.397993
PE30 1EE 0 52.756152 0.3977