all postcodes in PE31 / KING'S LYNN

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Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE31 6DB 2 0 52.787915 0.501739
PE31 6DD 4 0 52.800182 0.548568
PE31 6DE 22 0 52.798623 0.553076
PE31 6DF 7 0 52.799526 0.550385
PE31 6DG 1 1 52.789859 0.554195
PE31 6DH 3 0 52.796206 0.555738
PE31 6DJ 15 0 52.801392 0.566279
PE31 6DL 3 0 52.801829 0.583561
PE31 6DN 1 0 52.80082 0.595993
PE31 6DP 9 0 52.806068 0.608473
PE31 6DQ 1 0 52.796875 0.552796
PE31 6DR 4 0 52.799738 0.623939
PE31 6DS 2 0 52.797877 0.625443
PE31 6DT 4 0 52.809622 0.56258
PE31 6DW 7 1 52.7965 0.601387
PE31 6HA 44 5 52.829812 0.462028
PE31 6HB 8 1 52.827928 0.454589
PE31 6HD 4 0 52.822972 0.455808
PE31 6HE 4 0 52.82548 0.46061
PE31 6HF 3 0 52.826528 0.46254