all postcodes in PE32 / KING'S LYNN

find any address or company within the PE32 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE32 1BD 4 52.771889 0.550014
PE32 1BE 0 52.771755 0.549561
PE32 1BG 3 52.769017 0.549742
PE32 1BH 1 52.76562 0.550285
PE32 1BJ 0 52.763142 0.551993
PE32 1BL 0 52.767445 0.545692
PE32 1BN 0 52.767354 0.543611
PE32 1BP 1 52.772872 0.521886
PE32 1BQ 0 52.765418 0.549636
PE32 1BS 2 52.768776 0.523354
PE32 1BT 0 52.771069 0.524658
PE32 1BU 0 52.770317 0.524496
PE32 1BW 1 52.767803 0.529806
PE32 1BX 0 52.771663 0.522305
PE32 1BY 4 52.767683 0.509637
PE32 1BZ 0 52.766218 0.525918
PE32 1DA 1 52.764038 0.527156
PE32 1DB 0 52.764834 0.525038
PE32 1DD 6 52.761319 0.518653
PE32 1DE 3 52.75768 0.513004