all postcodes in PE34 / KING'S LYNN

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Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE34 3BE 3 0 52.680075 0.36045
PE34 3BG 5 0 52.677508 0.347071
PE34 3BH 18 0 52.701642 0.328827
PE34 3BJ 10 0 52.700018 0.328637
PE34 3BL 30 0 52.696646 0.327274
PE34 3BN 25 0 52.697224 0.328089
PE34 3BP 1 0 52.685438 0.32795
PE34 3BQ 7 0 52.682034 0.336424
PE34 3FP 2 0 52.684041 0.330584
PE34 3BT 27 0 52.674833 0.361306
PE34 3BU 51 1 52.673256 0.359268
PE34 3BW 4 1 52.686642 0.323871
PE34 3FQ 1 0 52.687663 0.322727
PE34 3BX 18 0 52.672721 0.361725
PE34 3BY 4 0 52.67158 0.361249
PE34 3BZ 36 0 52.670028 0.356979
PE34 3DA 4 0 52.668559 0.348085
PE34 3DB 5 0 52.668614 0.33485
PE34 3DD 6 0 52.664256 0.319119
PE34 3DE 7 0 52.658837 0.346854