all postcodes in PE36 / HUNSTANTON

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Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE36 5EJ 10 0 52.929894 0.49467
PE36 5EL 19 9 52.938782 0.490086
PE36 5EP 34 16 52.939126 0.491296
PE36 5ET 1 0 52.938454 0.492448
PE36 5EZ 1 1 52.939398 0.492969
PE36 5HA 15 0 52.939481 0.490661
PE36 5HB 12 0 52.939418 0.491089
PE36 5HD 15 1 52.940183 0.491139
PE36 5HE 8 1 52.939934 0.491839
PE36 5HF 37 0 52.938049 0.492118
PE36 5HG 3 0 52.94025 0.49212
PE36 5HH 2 0 52.939296 0.492154
PE36 5HJ 23 0 52.938272 0.491277
PE36 5HL 13 2 52.937229 0.493083
PE36 5HN 9 0 52.937876 0.489206
PE36 5HP 11 5 52.937456 0.494658
PE36 5HR 1 1 52.937926 0.494552
PE36 5HT 7 1 52.936048 0.494423
PE36 5HU 12 1 52.937988 0.495463
PE36 5HW 25 0 52.938293 0.490346