all postcodes in PE6 / PETERBOROUGH

find any address or company within the PE6 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE6 0SU 0 52.61903 -0.09598
PE6 0SW 0 52.620182 -0.101116
PE6 0SX 0 52.61877 -0.094973
PE6 0SY 0 52.615124 -0.092368
PE6 0SZ 0 52.619871 -0.094615
PE6 0TA 0 52.620846 -0.094306
PE6 0TB 0 52.622454 -0.09369
PE6 0TD 0 52.620041 -0.082271
PE6 0TE 0 52.618553 -0.073192
PE6 0TF 0 52.612926 -0.071076
PE6 0TY 1 52.610217 -0.069792
PE6 0TG 0 52.622818 -0.063476
PE6 0TH 0 52.639138 -0.060272
PE6 0TJ 3 52.638982 -0.080437
PE6 0TP 0 52.64488 -0.041496
PE6 0TW 1 52.650908 -0.063018
PE6 0TX 0 52.612865 -0.037785
PE6 0TZ 0 52.611169 -0.045054
PE6 0UD 1 52.597573 -0.026582
PE6 0UG 0 52.587477 -0.0631