all postcodes in PE6 / PETERBOROUGH

find any address or company within the PE6 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE6 7TL 0 52.592863 -0.193361
PE6 7TN 8 52.612507 -0.186807
PE6 7TP 1 52.617381 -0.186872
PE6 7TQ 0 52.606943 -0.187495
PE6 7TR 0 52.617176 -0.18632
PE6 7TS 0 52.619722 -0.184795
PE6 7TT 0 52.622416 -0.187388
PE6 7TU 0 52.634087 -0.161207
PE6 7TY 0 52.625575 -0.163115
PE6 7TZ 0 52.608534 -0.187459
PE6 7UA 0 52.612922 -0.172242
PE6 7UT 0 52.614653 -0.167959
PE6 7UB 1 52.611439 -0.178728
PE6 7UD 1 52.612137 -0.178536
PE6 7UE 0 52.609863 -0.178572
PE6 7UF 0 52.610032 -0.1779
PE6 7UG 0 52.608999 -0.177337
PE6 7UH 0 52.616978 -0.187583
PE6 7UL 0 52.609914 -0.176649
PE6 7UN 1 52.610548 -0.182767