all postcodes in PE6 / PETERBOROUGH

find any address or company within the PE6 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE6 0TR 0 52.617128 -0.100701
PE6 0TU 0 52.61708 -0.099964
PE6 0UA 0 52.621947 -0.107392
PE6 0HN 1 0 52.688274 -0.192682
PE6 6AE 1 1 52.613357 -0.286193
PE6 7AA 0 52.58445 -0.31178
PE6 7AB 0 52.574697 -0.304348
PE6 7AD 0 52.592173 -0.300958
PE6 7AE 0 52.584286 -0.310339
PE6 7AF 0 52.584104 -0.310833
PE6 7AG 2 52.572509 -0.321151
PE6 7BA 0 52.581444 -0.372513
PE6 7BB 0 52.590151 -0.369548
PE6 7BD 0 52.5912 -0.365434
PE6 7BE 0 52.590845 -0.361875
PE6 7BG 0 52.596187 -0.372424
PE6 7DA 1 52.643313 -0.314923
PE6 7DB 0 52.643893 -0.315877
PE6 7DD 0 52.64386 -0.313557
PE6 7DE 0 52.636577 -0.321138