all postcodes in PE9 / STAMFORD

find any address or company within the PE9 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE9 4RD 1 0 52.685868 -0.385529
PE9 4RE 7 0 52.684807 -0.388142
PE9 4RF 12 0 52.663088 -0.383692
PE9 4RH 51 0 52.659859 -0.387523
PE9 4RJ 109 102 52.670089 -0.3795
PE9 4RL 1 1 52.666826 -0.38422
PE9 4RN 5 5 52.664297 -0.380734
PE9 4RP 40 1 52.660244 -0.384773
PE9 4RR 7 0 52.659403 -0.382453
PE9 4RS 34 0 52.660354 -0.385567
PE9 4RT 12 0 52.657923 -0.385982
PE9 4RU 14 0 52.657845 -0.387538
PE9 4RW 3 0 52.658094 -0.387307
PE9 4RX 15 1 52.668874 -0.407914
PE9 4SA 2 0 52.674529 -0.459595
PE9 4SH 39 0 52.657151 -0.427542
PE9 4SN 46 1 52.656544 -0.433965
PE9 4SP 6 0 52.660545 -0.429963
PE9 4SR 4 0 52.664542 -0.427572
PE9 4SS 5 0 52.664115 -0.427262