all postcodes in PH1 / PERTH

find any address or company within the PH1 postcode district

Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH1 3UB 4 0 56.414581 -3.504947
PH1 3UD 5 0 56.450131 -3.464802
PH1 3UF 7 6 56.415594 -3.47973
PH1 3UG 14 9 56.4159 -3.473665
PH1 3UH 8 0 56.416444 -3.585473
PH1 3UJ 4 0 56.415873 -3.583002
PH1 3UL 10 0 56.416629 -3.578024
PH1 3UN 1 1 56.418948 -3.475777
PH1 3UP 21 0 56.450688 -3.464774
PH1 3UQ 9 6 56.416932 -3.478291
PH1 3UR 21 0 56.45268 -3.471049
PH1 3US 7 0 56.414535 -3.505756
PH1 3UT 36 1 56.451055 -3.466379
PH1 3UU 11 0 56.451948 -3.465326
PH1 3UW 4 0 56.450175 -3.464089
PH1 3UX 40 0 56.447556 -3.46673
PH1 3UY 16 0 56.450066 -3.461895
PH1 3UZ 70 0 56.44804 -3.463796
PH1 3XB 1 1 56.42004 -3.476079
PH1 3XF 1 1 56.420298 -3.466508