all postcodes in PH1 / PERTH

find any address or company within the PH1 postcode district

Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH1 4BA 4 0 56.501918 -3.517391
PH1 4BB 3 0 56.501478 -3.518884
PH1 4BD 9 0 56.500856 -3.518274
PH1 4BE 4 0 56.501171 -3.517556
PH1 4BG 5 0 56.501104 -3.518576
PH1 4BH 4 0 56.499975 -3.523486
PH1 4BJ 34 0 56.499932 -3.517425
PH1 4BL 49 1 56.499226 -3.515658
PH1 4BN 7 0 56.499498 -3.519097
PH1 4BQ 13 0 56.500685 -3.519047
PH1 4BS 29 1 56.498636 -3.523481
PH1 4BT 12 0 56.499214 -3.52253
PH1 4BU 10 0 56.49865 -3.522377
PH1 4BW 21 1 56.500128 -3.520453
PH1 4BX 16 0 56.497269 -3.523557
PH1 4BY 10 0 56.496988 -3.540519
PH1 4BZ 4 1 56.50468 -3.58831
PH1 4DA 60 0 56.501059 -3.522961
PH1 4DB 7 0 56.499204 -3.513789
PH1 4DE 1 1 56.499923 -3.521096