all postcodes in PH10 / BLAIRGOWRIE

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH10 6UY 17 0 56.580245 -3.336252
PH10 6XA 14 0 56.577639 -3.345439
PH10 6XY 36 1 56.588337 -3.341537
PH10 6XZ 10 0 56.577761 -3.322377
PH10 6XE 15 0 56.577524 -3.343628
PH10 6SS 35 0 56.584769 -3.334149
PH10 6AE 48 0 56.593394 -3.337515
PH10 6PP 5 0 56.588041 -3.342341
PH10 6WJ 1 56.58853 -3.334331
PH10 6TJ 11 0 56.585499 -3.334712
PH10 6GB 50 0 56.59427 -3.337969
PH10 6UJ 0 56.580822 -3.339269
PH10 6US 0 56.580936 -3.340445
PH10 6FH 0 56.580161 -3.340548
PH10 6UZ 1 1 56.580272 -3.342944
PH10 6HE 10 2 56.585614 -3.327389
PH10 6FB 39 0 56.580992 -3.325159
PH10 6FE 16 0 56.579326 -3.324694
PH10 6FF 10 0 56.580328 -3.325104
PH10 6BF 0 56.591173 -3.339374