all postcodes in PH10 / BLAIRGOWRIE

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH10 6BH 13 0 56.589754 -3.338477
PH10 6BJ 40 0 56.589461 -3.339004
PH10 6BL 5 0 56.589401 -3.340353
PH10 6DW 10 0 56.589636 -3.341095
PH10 6BN 10 0 56.589042 -3.337849
PH10 6BP 7 1 56.588433 -3.338284
PH10 6BQ 7 1 56.59003 -3.340376
PH10 6BS 3 0 56.588012 -3.339148
PH10 6BT 53 3 56.589173 -3.340687
PH10 6BU 13 0 56.589236 -3.339794
PH10 6BW 2 0 56.588798 -3.337808
PH10 6BX 11 0 56.590642 -3.340218
PH10 6BY 3 0 56.587897 -3.339812
PH10 6BZ 22 0 56.588837 -3.33851
PH10 6DA 25 8 56.592214 -3.340111
PH10 6DD 1 1 56.58853 -3.334331
PH10 6DE 15 1 56.591951 -3.341372
PH10 6DF 15 7 56.591503 -3.3402
PH10 6DG 15 0 56.591645 -3.341377
PH10 6DH 1 1 56.590441 -3.342052