all postcodes in PH11 / BLAIRGOWRIE

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH11 8BE 0 56.620546 -3.226791
PH11 8BF 0 56.626451 -3.226526
PH11 8BG 0 56.622142 -3.222379
PH11 8BH 0 56.622633 -3.225636
PH11 8BJ 4 56.622599 -3.228161
PH11 8BL 0 56.621432 -3.235278
PH11 8BN 0 56.621637 -3.23636
PH11 8BP 1 56.624528 -3.23119
PH11 8BQ 0 56.62167 -3.222837
PH11 8BS 0 56.624723 -3.230479
PH11 8BT 1 56.624334 -3.229913
PH11 8BU 0 56.624827 -3.224469
PH11 8BW 0 56.618184 -3.231228
PH11 8BX 0 56.623517 -3.228012
PH11 8BY 0 56.623652 -3.22888
PH11 8BZ 0 56.624163 -3.231555
PH11 8DA 0 56.624471 -3.232394
PH11 8DT 2 56.623822 -3.233482
PH11 8DB 0 56.625143 -3.230721
PH11 8DD 0 56.625584 -3.231518