all postcodes in PH16 / PITLOCHRY

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH16 5DD 3 56.701013 -3.731825
PH16 5DF 0 56.699512 -3.734583
PH16 5DG 0 56.70097 -3.72926
PH16 5DX 0 56.700265 -3.726353
PH16 5DJ 2 56.699892 -3.727167
PH16 5DL 0 56.700541 -3.723884
PH16 5DN 0 56.700792 -3.721347
PH16 5DP 0 56.702558 -3.722979
PH16 5DQ 0 56.702088 -3.728969
PH16 5DR 1 56.698093 -3.73522
PH16 5DS 1 56.702199 -3.726785
PH16 5DT 1 56.701348 -3.725978
PH16 5DW 1 56.701343 -3.724427
PH16 5DY 0 56.699633 -3.725884
PH16 5DZ 0 56.699334 -3.732534
PH16 5EA 3 56.705632 -3.733264
PH16 5EB 0 56.704775 -3.732635
PH16 5ED 0 56.705244 -3.73078
PH16 5EE 0 56.704903 -3.730127
PH16 5EF 1 56.707086 -3.731238