all postcodes in PH2 / PERTH

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH2 7EJ 0 56.40242 -3.42074
PH2 7EL 0 56.402983 -3.421004
PH2 7EN 0 56.403891 -3.420941
PH2 7EP 0 56.403597 -3.419893
PH2 7EQ 0 56.402488 -3.419479
PH2 7ER 0 56.403257 -3.419799
PH2 7ES 2 56.402813 -3.417805
PH2 7ET 0 56.402784 -3.418728
PH2 7EU 0 56.402482 -3.416852
PH2 7EW 0 56.404444 -3.420508
PH2 7EY 5 56.396229 -3.422339
PH2 7HA 1 56.399467 -3.42353
PH2 7HB 5 56.400409 -3.42371
PH2 7HD 9 56.400039 -3.423048
PH2 7HE 1 56.401421 -3.423231
PH2 7HF 1 56.403701 -3.425779
PH2 7HG 4 56.403265 -3.424611
PH2 7HQ 3 56.405234 -3.426046
PH2 7HH 0 56.404535 -3.423574
PH2 7HJ 1 56.403193 -3.423021