all postcodes in PH2 / PERTH

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH2 8EA 0 56.38974 -3.437244
PH2 8EB 8 56.390768 -3.436926
PH2 8EE 9 56.395226 -3.435295
PH2 8EH 12 56.395745 -3.440095
PH2 8EP 10 56.395513 -3.436894
PH2 8ER 3 56.393869 -3.437593
PH2 8ES 6 56.39444 -3.437161
PH2 8ET 4 56.394222 -3.436651
PH2 8EU 1 56.394055 -3.437844
PH2 8EY 0 56.394098 -3.438818
PH2 8EZ 0 56.393943 -3.438245
PH2 8HA 5 56.392314 -3.437616
PH2 8HB 1 56.392859 -3.437135
PH2 8HE 1 56.392552 -3.438857
PH2 8HF 1 56.392394 -3.440098
PH2 8HG 0 56.394579 -3.440731
PH2 8HH 1 56.39481 -3.439331
PH2 8HJ 0 56.394733 -3.437465
PH2 8HL 0 56.394739 -3.436963
PH2 8HN 4 56.394873 -3.435524