all postcodes in PH2 / PERTH

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH2 9PG 0 56.277276 -3.400768
PH2 9PH 0 56.277332 -3.399817
PH2 9PJ 2 56.350437 -3.407608
PH2 9PL 9 56.348952 -3.406308
PH2 9PN 0 56.347989 -3.405641
PH2 9PP 0 56.34424 -3.401068
PH2 9PQ 0 56.276879 -3.398509
PH2 9PR 0 56.347549 -3.404023
PH2 9PT 0 56.322398 -3.353247
PH2 9PU 0 56.309828 -3.36061
PH2 9PX 1 56.304841 -3.339211
PH2 9PY 1 56.302666 -3.358238
PH2 9PZ 0 56.301037 -3.375602
PH2 9QA 0 56.280922 -3.39142
PH2 9QB 0 56.274167 -3.383213
PH2 9QD 0 56.281859 -3.359761
PH2 9QE 0 56.328145 -3.497985
PH2 9QF 1 56.287888 -3.3629
PH2 9QG 0 56.286224 -3.380918
PH2 9QH 0 56.280062 -3.408639