all postcodes in PH26 / GRANTOWN-ON-SPEY

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH26 3EZ 6 0 57.327844 -3.617857
PH26 3FD 22 0 57.327021 -3.61616
PH26 3HA 8 0 57.330549 -3.619853
PH26 3HB 19 8 57.330629 -3.60876
PH26 3HD 1 1 57.330401 -3.608302
PH26 3HE 1 0 57.330606 -3.607746
PH26 3HF 44 8 57.331472 -3.606754
PH26 3HG 20 8 57.33203 -3.607426
PH26 3HH 11 1 57.332677 -3.604581
PH26 3HJ 7 0 57.333684 -3.604492
PH26 3HL 6 0 57.333157 -3.605
PH26 3HN 9 2 57.333741 -3.604943
PH26 3HP 6 0 57.333052 -3.604032
PH26 3HR 3 2 57.336941 -3.604169
PH26 3HS 31 0 57.335056 -3.603322
PH26 3HT 2 0 57.335455 -3.602608
PH26 3HU 1 1 57.334474 -3.598911
PH26 3HW 29 0 57.333956 -3.607826
PH26 3HX 16 2 57.334175 -3.602636
PH26 3HY 16 1 57.331518 -3.601723