all postcodes in PH36 / ACHARACLE

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH36 4LB 10 0 56.767318 -5.852006
PH36 4LD 16 1 56.764123 -5.874731
PH36 4LE 17 0 56.74377 -5.844303
PH36 4LG 36 1 56.755273 -6.039166
PH36 4LH 75 9 56.698695 -6.103275
PH36 4LN 39 4 56.732914 -6.190507
PH36 4LJ 10 0 56.693726 -6.095337
PH36 4LL 28 0 56.692869 -6.127955
PH36 4LP 13 0 56.69929 -6.106338
PH36 4LQ 6 0 56.701734 -6.119715
PH36 4LR 9 1 56.791498 -5.838579
PH36 4LW 27 0 56.743746 -6.173532
PH36 4YF 1 1 56.697818 -6.106799
PH36 4AA 0 56.698519 -5.568395