all postcodes in PH41 / MALLAIG

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH41 4QR 16 0 57.0092 -5.818028
PH41 4QT 1 1 57.005162 -5.828671
PH41 4QU 14 0 57.004195 -5.828506
PH41 4QW 9 0 57.007956 -5.819631
PH41 4QX 6 1 57.003097 -5.828854
PH41 4QY 7 2 57.004901 -5.829847
PH41 4QZ 1 1 57.004261 -5.829303
PH41 4RA 16 0 57.004397 -5.830718
PH41 4RB 1 0 57.003689 -5.831551
PH41 4RD 9 0 57.00315 -5.831102
PH41 4RE 9 0 57.003067 -5.8304
PH41 4RF 23 0 57.002396 -5.830907
PH41 4RG 20 4 56.999658 -5.830034
PH41 4RH 19 1 56.994115 -5.82826
PH41 4RJ 6 0 57.008748 -5.818114
PH41 4RL 14 0 56.996461 -5.830033
PH41 4RN 1 1 57.003976 -5.830971
PH41 4RQ 13 0 56.996995 -5.828754
PH41 4RP 16 0 57.007873 -5.818222