all postcodes in PH6 / CRIEFF

find any address or company within the PH6 postcode district

Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH6 2LD 6 1 56.365228 -4.030161
PH6 2LE 2 0 56.356794 -4.011173
PH6 2LJ 16 7 56.374125 -3.98854
PH6 2LN 42 2 56.3748 -3.990745
PH6 2LP 4 1 56.37571 -3.992208
PH6 2LR 4 0 56.378227 -3.986006
PH6 2LS 15 3 56.379104 -3.976691
PH6 2LT 8 0 56.381745 -3.954097
PH6 2LW 1 1 56.36963 -3.977414
PH6 2LX 7 0 56.377361 -3.999063
PH6 2LY 18 0 56.412266 -4.028776
PH6 2LZ 7 1 56.375436 -3.988047
PH6 2NB 2 0 56.392311 -4.109349
PH6 2ND 25 2 56.391729 -4.111867
PH6 2NE 14 1 56.393282 -4.109345
PH6 2NF 38 2 56.392361 -4.11699
PH6 2NG 19 2 56.397137 -4.136093
PH6 2NH 7 0 56.383711 -4.087061
PH6 2NJ 2 1 56.390542 -4.107145
PH6 2NL 2 0 56.390043 -4.126364