all postcodes in PH7 / CRIEFF

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH7 3RD 11 0 56.345751 -3.747486
PH7 3RE 1 1 56.347457 -3.745666
PH7 3RF 6 1 56.346966 -3.768869
PH7 3RG 3 0 56.356202 -3.765137
PH7 3RH 2 0 56.346262 -3.779123
PH7 3RJ 7 0 56.343451 -3.730133
PH7 3RL 5 0 56.334167 -3.733514
PH7 3RN 5 0 56.332118 -3.743741
PH7 3RP 12 0 56.367497 -3.8266
PH7 3RS 1 1 56.366102 -3.83527
PH7 3RT 4 1 56.362913 -3.833342
PH7 3RU 9 0 56.363251 -3.821378
PH7 3RX 4 0 56.362264 -3.844351
PH7 3SA 1 1 56.370422 -3.84264
PH7 3SB 3 3 56.367771 -3.845669
PH7 3SD 1 0 56.367801 -3.842449
PH7 3SE 9 2 56.367087 -3.843305
PH7 3SF 7 1 56.367373 -3.847053
PH7 3SG 1 1 56.366316 -3.841373
PH7 3SH 25 0 56.374213 -3.825723