all postcodes in PH8 / DUNKELD

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH8 0QA 54 0 56.559793 -3.581442
PH8 0QB 13 0 56.559455 -3.581851
PH8 0QD 10 0 56.559768 -3.583361
PH8 0RB 2 0 56.564729 -3.478129
PH8 0RD 19 0 56.572933 -3.495493
PH8 0RE 13 1 56.580135 -3.488288
PH8 0RF 1 0 56.585011 -3.488512
PH8 0RG 10 0 56.560648 -3.578467
PH8 0RQ 4 0 56.562794 -3.583536
PH8 0WA 1 0 56.55807 -3.575626
PH8 0YP 1 1 56.55807 -3.575626
PH8 0DD 0 56.559779 -3.577552
PH8 0DF 0 56.558459 -3.574666
PH8 0WB 1 56.55807 -3.575626
PH8 0JJ 0 56.562897 -3.587413