all postcodes in PO1 / SOUTHSEA

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO1 4QQ 0 50.806552 -1.086454
PO1 4QR 4 50.807388 -1.088681
PO1 4QS 2 50.807267 -1.089478
PO1 4AQ 1 50.808515 -1.088134
PO1 4RJ 23 50.801412 -1.090301
PO1 4RL 1 50.801734 -1.092438
PO1 4RP 10 50.801222 -1.091526
PO1 4RR 10 50.80069 -1.091181
PO1 4TA 1 50.804279 -1.086712
PO1 4TB 1 50.804279 -1.086712
PO1 4TF 1 50.804279 -1.086712
PO1 4ZR 1 50.799149 -1.088401
PO1 4JP 28 0 50.803806 -1.078007
PO1 4AA 1 1 50.80062 -1.091494
PO1 4JB 2 50.804658 -1.079992
PO1 4AE 11 0 50.804594 -1.077623
PO1 4AF 3 0 50.804592 -1.077353
PO1 4AG 18 0 50.804438 -1.077143
PO1 4DQ 1 1 50.802827 -1.087336
PO1 4AP 1 0 50.807503 -1.083881