all postcodes in PO10 / EMSWORTH

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO10 7GH 11 0 50.862765 -0.934667
PO10 7GJ 18 0 50.863769 -0.935282
PO10 7GL 5 0 50.863611 -0.935726
PO10 7GN 7 0 50.862635 -0.935124
PO10 7GQ 0 50.863047 -0.933067
PO10 7GR 0 50.863311 -0.933374
PO10 7GG 0 50.863543 -0.934164
PO10 7GP 0 50.864165 -0.934308
PO10 7GS 0 50.864484 -0.933747
PO10 7GT 10 0 50.863757 -0.934927
PO10 7GU 5 0 50.864024 -0.934693
PO10 7GW 14 0 50.864512 -0.934883
PO10 7GX 9 0 50.863891 -0.935835
PO10 7GA 5 0 50.864244 -0.936125
PO10 7GY 5 0 50.864561 -0.936317
PO10 7GZ 25 0 50.864555 -0.935692
PO10 7UA 17 0 50.865868 -0.942581
PO10 7UB 14 0 50.865437 -0.94262
PO10 7BW 1 50.852724 -0.946003
PO10 8AA 0 50.849382 -0.933452