all postcodes in PO12 / LEE-ON-THE-SOLENT

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO12 9AL 1 1 50.804557 -1.149617
PO12 9AR 1 50.804557 -1.149617
PO12 9BJ 1 1 50.804557 -1.149617
PO12 9BT 1 50.804546 -1.149605
PO12 9WA 0 50.804557 -1.149617
PO12 9DH 1 0 50.804557 -1.149617
PO12 9DJ 1 0 50.804557 -1.149617
PO12 9EY 1 50.804557 -1.149617
PO12 9FF 1 50.804557 -1.149617
PO12 9FH 1 50.804557 -1.149617
PO12 9FN 1 50.804557 -1.149617
PO12 9FP 1 1 50.804557 -1.149617
PO12 9FT 1 0 50.804557 -1.149617
PO12 9FY 1 50.804557 -1.149617
PO12 9ZZ 1 50.804737 -1.149628
PO12 9GE 0 50.804546 -1.149605
PO12 9GH 1 0 50.804546 -1.149605
PO12 9GL 1 1 50.804546 -1.149605
PO12 9GN 1 1 50.804546 -1.149605
PO12 9GP 0 50.804546 -1.149605