all postcodes in PO12 / LEE-ON-THE-SOLENT

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO12 2TN 44 0 50.792348 -1.16756
PO12 2TP 36 0 50.792629 -1.166675
PO12 2TQ 8 0 50.789784 -1.164881
PO12 2TR 2 2 50.778283 -1.149018
PO12 2TS 18 0 50.789623 -1.163706
PO12 2TT 7 0 50.788889 -1.164287
PO12 2TU 21 0 50.789089 -1.165858
PO12 2TW 13 0 50.791294 -1.167294
PO12 2TX 12 0 50.788559 -1.165853
PO12 2TY 8 0 50.788363 -1.16607
PO12 2TZ 16 0 50.788127 -1.165875
PO12 2UA 8 0 50.788617 -1.165228
PO12 2UB 12 0 50.788422 -1.165601
PO12 2UD 16 0 50.788364 -1.164963
PO12 2UE 21 0 50.781868 -1.134951
PO12 2UF 10 0 50.782333 -1.135751
PO12 2UG 43 0 50.78175 -1.133591
PO12 2UH 44 0 50.781862 -1.136539
PO12 2UJ 16 0 50.781166 -1.136042
PO12 2UL 12 0 50.780944 -1.134046