all postcodes in PO14 / FAREHAM

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO14 1LX 12 0 50.848482 -1.201193
PO14 1LY 14 0 50.849459 -1.200792
PO14 1LZ 4 0 50.849809 -1.200673
PO14 1NA 4 0 50.850083 -1.201167
PO14 1NB 5 0 50.851621 -1.197346
PO14 1ND 2 2 50.85062 -1.200888
PO14 1NE 39 0 50.849013 -1.199976
PO14 1NF 40 0 50.848449 -1.200398
PO14 1NH 1 1 50.851085 -1.199216
PO14 1NL 5 0 50.844047 -1.193144
PO14 1NN 29 0 50.852451 -1.202986
PO14 1NP 1 1 50.852987 -1.193346
PO14 1NS 7 2 50.852745 -1.19602
PO14 1NT 1 0 50.851871 -1.195879
PO14 1NU 3 0 50.852199 -1.196413
PO14 1NW 9 0 50.852952 -1.202622
PO14 1NX 13 0 50.853266 -1.199875
PO14 1NY 3 1 50.852583 -1.198708
PO14 1NZ 4 1 50.851793 -1.205343
PO14 1PB 9 0 50.851617 -1.207304