all postcodes in PO14 / FAREHAM

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO14 4NR 1 50.854894 -1.265596
PO14 4NS 0 50.830053 -1.263657
PO14 4NT 0 50.832065 -1.261964
PO14 4NU 0 50.833307 -1.257755
PO14 4NW 0 50.854456 -1.266114
PO14 4NX 0 50.840316 -1.254225
PO14 4NY 2 50.844404 -1.252196
PO14 4NZ 0 50.846438 -1.250971
PO14 4PA 0 50.849258 -1.253255
PO14 4PB 0 50.851286 -1.254061
PO14 4PD 0 50.853335 -1.252309
PO14 4PE 0 50.854614 -1.258298
PO14 4PF 1 50.855682 -1.256619
PO14 4PG 4 50.857433 -1.257731
PO14 4PH 3 50.864895 -1.255847
PO14 4PJ 8 50.859489 -1.258664
PO14 4PL 2 50.860783 -1.259849
PO14 4PN 0 50.861336 -1.259016
PO14 4PP 4 50.862348 -1.254327
PO14 4PQ 0 50.858332 -1.257529