all postcodes in PO14 / FAREHAM

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO14 2JG 15 13 50.825821 -1.214528
PO14 2JH 46 1 50.827445 -1.215381
PO14 2JL 2 1 50.825238 -1.217621
PO14 2JN 32 0 50.826008 -1.215646
PO14 2JP 1 1 50.825008 -1.215422
PO14 2JQ 9 5 50.825345 -1.214692
PO14 2JR 23 0 50.825691 -1.21666
PO14 2JS 10 0 50.826115 -1.218143
PO14 2JT 6 0 50.826835 -1.218231
PO14 2JU 11 0 50.827922 -1.219405
PO14 2JW 14 0 50.82688 -1.216995
PO14 2JX 1 0 50.82536 -1.218184
PO14 2JY 7 5 50.826239 -1.213896
PO14 2LA 28 0 50.826163 -1.218625
PO14 2LB 55 0 50.825357 -1.219178
PO14 2LD 1 1 50.825047 -1.213206
PO14 2LE 31 16 50.825759 -1.213466
PO14 2LF 12 0 50.827333 -1.21206
PO14 2LJ 1 1 50.825769 -1.213478
PO14 2LN 3 0 50.827682 -1.211884